
Use This Workout Plan To Build Muscle Mass

Are you trying to build muscle mass? There's really no big secret to building muscle mass. It's really just a matter of working out and eating right. You need to take into account the amount of food you eat and the amount of training you do. It's important to get the right mix so that you can add optimal mass and muscle size and not wear yourself out. You need to find the right kind of nutritional food and the right amount of heavy weight training and cardio training. This will in the end build muscle mass.

 Start with a schedule of weight training. It's important to understand that solid muscle mass comes from heavy weight and low reps. This is core powerlifting muscle mass, and the additional exercises of medium weight and lighter weights exhaust the muscles and builds stamina. The ideal is to mix upper body and lower body exercise routines separated by rest days.

 An ideal workout across the span of 3 days might be a good start. Day one would include heavy weight and low reps for squats, medium weight and medium reps for leg extensions and leg curls and medium weight for chest, heavy weight for arms and light weight for shoulders. Day two might include light weight for squats, light weights for leg extensions and leg curls, heavy weight for chest, light weight for arms and medium weight for shoulders. Day 3 might include medium weight for squats, light weight for leg extensions and leg curls, light weight for chest, medium weight for arms and heavy weight for shoulders.

 In addition to those three days of weight training, you'll need to do abdominal exercises and stretches on rest days. This type of cycle should only last for 4 weeks at a time with a rest of 1 week following. After the 1 week of rest, the program can start again with a higher set of weights for each cycle of light, medium and heavy.

 The key component to the four week cycle is the diet. Muscles require 20 grams of protein every two hours to provide the maximum amount of muscle repair and bulking. These are all small meals spread out every couple hours. Twenty grams of protein is equivalent to three glasses of milk or 8 ounces of cheese. It's critical that you plan for these meals carefully. Sticking to this type of diet for four weeks is an intensive commitment.

 Remember to apply the most intensity to your heavy weights but to also push yourself with every set of repetitions. The heavy weights should only go from 3 to 5 repetitions. The medium weights should only go from 8 to 12 repetitions and the light weights should only go from 15 to 20 repetitions. If you want to build muscle mass efficiently, be sure to follow these tips.

