
Ayurvedic Dietary Tips to Lose Weight

Ayurveda is a comprehensive healthcare system that assists people in preventing disease as well as preserving health. This science can also be applied to help you lose weight. According to this ancient healthcare system, weight loss can be achieved by balancing your food intake and proper digestion. It has some tips to lose weight that include diet, Ama removal and exercises that will be explained as follows.

Ayurvedic physicians recommend some ways to enhance digestion for a successful weight loss. They believe that certain foods and herbs are more effective than others to improve digestion. One of the most common herbs used in Ayurvedic weight loss treatment is ginger. Ginger is known to be powerful in enhancing digestion as well as decrease your appetite. You can include ginger as a spice for your meal or chew a fresh ginger root before having meal. In addition, it is recommended to take ginger tea three times a day. Other herbs that practitioners usually recommend to promote weight loss are gotu kola powder or capsule, shilajit and amalaki.

Some spices are also beneficial for your digestion. Cayenne, black pepper, cumin and mustard seed are the examples of spices you can consume for a better digestion. Fruits such as pineapple, bitter melons, papaya and mango are also recommended for a successful weight loss.

Last but not least, include liquids in your weight loss program. Taking hot water throughout your day may help your digestion. You can also take fruit or vegetable juice, teas and light soup to weight loss success.
Make sure that you consult your physician before taking herb treatments. It is because herb treatment may cause side effects. For example, taking ginger in exessive amounts may caus mouth irritation and mild heartburn.

Ama Removal
Ayurvedic practitioners believe that removing ama from your system is very important in losing weight. Ama is a by product resulted by incomplete digestion. Commonly, practitioners use barberry and turmeric to reduce ama. You can also use other Ayurvedic herbal compounds like guggulu, triphala or trikatu. To eliminate ama from your system successfully, follow your practitioner suggestion.

The exercise that you should do depends on your dosha or body-mind type; whether it is pitta, vata or kapha. If your dosha is pitta, you are recommended to do competitive sports or challenging hiking. For persons with vata dosha, they should perform exercises with gentle movement. Meanwhile, persons with kapha dosha should perform exercises like dancing, swimming or hiking. Your practitioner will determine your dosha based on some factors such as weight, hands, arms, teeth, shoulders and other elements like activity patterns, imunity, learning pattern, and more.

