
6 Tips To Gain Muscle Mass-10 Minute Trainer

Here, I have some basic tips to put your body in a constant anabolic state.
1 - Paying attention to the negative part of the exercise
Most people only pay attention to the concentric exercise, when you contract the muscle (lifting the weight).10 Minute Trainer But in the negative phase (when you turn the weight at the initial stage), people generally have a tendency to drop the weight, or because the load is too high or because they know the importance of the negative part of the exercise. This is the main stage to achieve hypertrophy.
2 - Eat Fish
The fish contains a large amount of good fat and the salmon is a good example. You've probably heard about Omega-3. This fat makes the muscle to become more sensitive to insulin, in other words, it facilitates the transport of glycogen and amino acids into the muscle.
3 - Increase your intake of sodium
Sodium is a very important mineral for muscle growth.10 Minute Trainer It has a bad reputation because the intake of sodium generates liquid retention. It's the terror of every bodybuilder around competition. The good thing is that sodium intake helps the absorption of carbohydrates and amino acids and, also makes the muscle more sensitive to insulin.
4 - Cut all the aerobic
Aerobic exercises are a detriment in muscle growth. Aerobics interferes in strength gains, recovery while burning our valuable glycogen and branched-chain amino acids in our muscles. Make a choice, stay slim or gain muscle mass. Doing both is impossible.
5 - Rest
Many beginners make the mistake of thinking that serious dumbbell training means more muscle gain. What happens is the inverse, more train less gain. You have to keep a common practice in order to train the required day and don't give up. Muscle mass gain occurs when you are resting and not when you're training, as most beginners think. So, no rest no gain. Simple...
6. Eat more calories
The basic principle is to eat more calories than you spend. Try to eat larger portions, but choose foods with fat without ruining your health. And don't forget to eat six times a day, always including carbohydrates and healthy fats, which are more calories and stimulates the appetite. Ideally, you need to do three big meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and three snacks (in the intervals between one meal and another).
And here is six tips to gain muscle mass. Follow these tips and see results. It's possible to gain weight! It only takes some dedication and motivation.10 Minute Trainer

