
A 6 Pack Ab Workout That Works!

An actual 6 pack abs workout that works! What is this madness?!

 Reality. These essentials will focus your efforts where they'll count, so that you can spend less time in the gym. And more time reading, watching TV, or having fun!

 Big Lifts!

 Yes, do big lifts. And for quite a number of reasons!

 First, big lifts indirectly target your abs. The standing barbell press, weighted chin-up, weighted pull-up, front barbell squat, and farmer's walk all indirectly target your abdominal muscles. You won't need to do as many ab exercises, or any, if you make big lifts the backbone of your workout.

 And these exercises, being big, multi-joint exercises, build horrendous amounts of muscle all over your body as well. Ripped abs are fun, but a good 6 pack abs workout with get your whole body ripped!

 Limited Ab Work

 Abdominal work develops your abs to be stronger and bigger. Pretty simple, right?

 Now, some ab exercises are better than others. Abdominal crunches on the floor are OK, though not great.

 My best results have come from what I call, 'full crunches'. These involve lying on the ground with my legs together, hands behind my head, and crunching down from my upper torso using my upper abs and upward from my hips with my lower abs.

 My advice is to find one, two, or three exercises that work really well for you. And then tack them onto the end of your workout routine. And then start thinking about what you eat!

 Diet Is Really Number 1!

 The essentials for a 6 pack ab workout above will develop your abs. Along with the rest of your body!

 But to show off a ripped 6 pack, you need to pay attention to your diet. By which I mean, you need to diet down to lose fat.

 You'll never be able to show off a six pack if you have extra body fat. That's just not how it works. You can make your muscles bigger, but making them actually show through your fat means you'll have to lose fat.

 For guys, this means dropping your body fat percentage to lower than 10%. For girls, this means lower than about 17%.

 Can I Just Do The 6 Pack Ab Workout, Without Dieting?


 Well, you can. But you won't actually see results.

 Unless you are one of those very lucky individuals who naturally eats less, or perhaps has some awesome hormonal action going on (lucky teenagers!), you'll have to pay explicit attention to your diet. There's going to be no magic here - just hard work.

 I know that being blind to diet certainly didn't work for me! And I'd like it if you had all the effective info when you start working for your six pack.

 I noodled around, trying a lot of different workout techniques and routines, and wasted a lot of time. All so you don't have to (hopefully)!

 If you want more techniques and tricks to help get 6 pack abs, check out the links below. They'll help you get ripped much faster, and with less pain. 

