
Best Lower Ab Workout

Alright, so these are the Top 5 Lower Abdominal exercises, which is the abdominal muscle group that develops your side abs, or your abdominals that wrap around your waist, and your lower abs. These exercises aren't just made up, but they are honestly ranked among all other lower abdominal exercises as the Top 5 Rectus Abs exercises. These exercises, along with other main abdominal exercises, are actually researched, rated, and ranked by researchers that use electromyography equipment.

 How This Workout Is Actually Ranked:

 Now first of all, what is electromyography equipment? Well, this equipment tests the amount of muscle activity in an exercise, and monitors the rectus abs (main "six pack abs") and the lower abs during different exercises. Now going back to the research and proof that this is the single best ab exercise, this specific abdominal exercise tested as the HIGHEST most powerful, fast six pack-building ab exercise among thirteen separate exercises that were tested as well.

 Bicycle Maneuver:

 The first work out we have on our list of amazing top 5 lower abdominal exercises is the Bicycle Crunch. This move is a great abdominal exercise to work on the obliques, which are the side of your abs (the waist) and the lower abdominals.

 Directions To This Move:

 1. Start the exercise and lay on your back.
 2. Press your lower back, while maintaining the position on your back.
 3. Put your hands behind your head and bring your knees to a 45-degree angle.
 4. With your knees halfway between straight up toward the ceiling and level with the floor, begin a pedal motion.
 5. While pedaling with your feet, touch your opposite elbow to your opposite knee, alternating each side.
 6. Continue the process as you feel the tightening and burning in your abs throughout the work out.
 7. Start with repetitions of 10-20 at first.

 Reverse Crunch:

 The next exercise in line is the reverse crunch. This can be done on the ground or on an incline sit-up board. The main thing you need in this exercise is just something behind your head to hold. If your going to use an incline board, be sure to use it with your feet lower than your head.


 1. Lie down on your back.
 2. hold a weight up, or use the foot bar if you're using the sit-up board.
 3. Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the whole process.
 4. Pull your pelvis and legs up so that your knees are above your chest.
 5. Once you do that, return to the beginning position.
 6. Repeat this process and do about 2-4 sets of 15-20 reps.


 This is considered to be one of the easier ab work outs for one specific reason, and that reason is because it gives you that rest feeling in your abs since you aren't doing very much at all. The cool thing about this exercise is that it will give you that rest feeling in your abdominals, but at the same time its strengthening your core with very little effort. Though this exercise does require you to have some patience, the results will prove to be rewarding. The reason for your patience is because there is very little activity in this workout, but this little work out will produce extreme results. This is a good practice to burn body fat around your back, abdominal muscles and core.


 1. Start with your face towards your exercise mat.
 2. With your elbows and fists below your chest, put all your weight onto your forearms, fists and elbows.
 3. Now straighten your back so its completely flat.
 4. With your straight back, maintain a bridge between your elbows and your toes.
 5. Keep your hips as high as you can and don't let hips to sag below you.
 6. Keep this posture as long you can, maintaining a straight back and strong high hips (keep hips from sagging).
 7. starting from 10 seconds.

 Captain's Chair:

 Now this exercise is considered to be an advanced lower abdominal exercise. What is an advance lower abdominal exercise? Well, what it means is that this abdominal exercise requires every one of your body part's positions to be dead-on to what the exercise requires you to do, because the positions are vitally important for obtaining the top results. For this reason, it is very important that you keep your lower back stable, keeping it straight throughout the whole workout. One thing to remember throughout the exercise is to not arch your back at all.

 Directions For This Move:

 1. Start off by standing on a chair. 2. Now, grip the handles on both sides of the chair to stabilize your upper body. 3. While pressing your back against the pad, slowly lift your knees towards your chest. 4. While your doing this, remember to keep your lower back firmly in place. 5. If your lower back isn't firmly in place, you won't be strengthening your abs, but your hip muscles. 6. You should also feel the tightening in your abs after a few reps. 7. Do 2-3 sets of 18-25 reps for maximum results.

 Vertical Leg Crunch:

 The vertical leg crunch is another one of the most effective moves for the rectus abdominus and also the obliques (side abs). A vertical leg crunch is an ab workout that targets the rectus abdominus and the oblique muscles in the body's core. This is a main core abdominal exercise. They are similar to basic stomach crunches but involve extending the legs into the air in order to better isolate the abdominal muscles during the crunches. Vertical leg crunches are an important exercise for those who want a flat, toned stomach, or chiseled abdominals.

 Directions To This Move:

 1. This one is similar to the Fifer Scissors from P90x if your familiar with it, except both legs are up.
 2. Lay down on your back.
 3. Both legs are up and you Leave both legs straight up in that position.
 4. Move the hips up and down, up and down.
 5. Keep your whole back on the floor, just from the waist-down goes up off the floor each rep.
 6. Each up and down counts as one rep.
 7. Straight legs, and moving hips.

