
A Few More Chest Dumbbell Exercises

In this blog we’ve talked about some good chest dumbbell exercises before, but with the good responses I’ve gotten to them I wanted to put up a few more chest dumbbell exercises that will get you even stronger in your chest.
Strength in the chest area can be beneficial for many reasons, and many people regularly focus on working their chest. In our last post about chest dumbbell exercises we talked about the bench press (incline and normal), the straight arm pullover, and the lying down fly. In this post we will talk about a variation to both of the different bench presses, and the bent arm pullover. Below I’ll go over how to properly do these exercises:
Bench Press with a Neutral Grip
For this exercise, you start out the exact same way as the normal bench press with dumbbells but with one slight change. Instead of holding the dumbbells with your palms facing your feet, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other. Then just raise the dumbbells straight up in the air, pause, and bring them back down to the starting position.
Incline Bench Press with a Neutral Grip
As we’ve said in previous posts, the inclined bench press is the exact same thing as the normal bench press that you’ve done in your dumbbell exercises. So the incline bench press with a neutral grip is that same thing as the normal bench press with a neutral grip. Just make sure that you’re on an inclined bench instead of the normal bench and make sure that your palms are facing each other. Also in all variations of bench pressing, breathe out as you are raising the dumbbells up and breathe in when you’re lowering the dumbbells back down.
Bent Arm Pullover
The last chest dumbbell exercise that we will go over today is the bent arm pullover. For this exercise you will be lying down on your back on a bench holding two dumbbells behind your head on the ground, with your arms bent at a 90 degree angle while you’re holding them. Then, while making sure you keep that 90 degree angle for your elbows, raise the dumbbells up until your elbows hit your chest, pause, and slowly bring them back to the original position.
These are three more great chest dumbbell exercises that are very easy to do and will strengthen your chest area in no time.

