
Fitness programs: 6 steps to guide your selection

Fitness programs abound, from yoga and Pilates to step aerobics and strength training — either at home or in a gym. So which type of fitness program is best for you? Use these six simple steps to find out.
Step 1: Assess your fitness level

You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But assessing and recording baseline fitness scores can help you set your fitness goals and measure your progress. To assess your aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition, consider recording:

    Your pulse rate before and immediately after a one-mile walk
    How long it takes to walk one mile
    How many push-ups you can do at a time
    How far you can reach forward while seated on the floor with your legs in front of you
    Your waist circumference at the level of your navel
    Your body mass index

You may also want to consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you've been sedentary or you have any chronic medical conditions.
Step 2: Determine your fitness goals

Keeping your fitness level in mind, think about why you want to start a fitness program. Perhaps your doctor has suggested that you start a fitness program to lose weight. If you're already active, perhaps you want to rev up your fitness program to prepare for a 5K race or get ready for a favorite sport. Having clear goals can help you stay motivated.
Step 3: Consider your likes and dislikes

Next think about the types of physical activities you enjoy most. After all, a fitness program doesn't need to be drudgery. You're more likely to keep up with a fitness program you enjoy. If you love riding your bicycle, consider a cycling class. If you have a blast on the dance floor, an aerobics class that includes dance moves would be a good bet. If you're a social person, a gym or health club membership may be the ticket. If you prefer to exercise alone or you find health clubs intimidating, exercises you can do at home may be best.

Step 4: Think variety

Varying your activities — or cross-training — can keep exercise boredom at bay. Cross-training also reduces the risk of injuring or overusing one specific muscle or joint. When you plan your fitness program, consider alternating among activities that emphasize different parts of your body — walking, swimming and strength training, for example.
Step 5: Do the math

Make sure your fitness choices are in line with your budget. If a gym membership or home exercise equipment is too pricey, consider cheaper options for getting in shape. You can base a fitness program around brisk daily walks and inexpensive hand-held weights or resistance bands. Many recreation departments offer discounted fitness classes to local residents, and many schools open their pools to the public for inexpensive lap swimming. You might also consider buying used exercise equipment — or sharing the cost with a friend.
Step 6: Go for it!

You've thought through your likes and dislikes and the pros and cons of various types of fitness programs. Now it's time to get physical! Remember to start slowly and build up intensity gradually. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends:

    At least two hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (think brisk walking or swimming) or one hour and 15 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity (such as running) — preferably spread throughout the week
    Strength training exercises at least twice a week

Remember, each workout puts you one step closer to reaching your fitness goals. If you get bored or lose interest in your fitness program, don't be afraid to try something new. Reassess your fitness level and set new fitness goals. The result? A future of improved fitness and better health.


A Few More Chest Dumbbell Exercises

In this blog we’ve talked about some good chest dumbbell exercises before, but with the good responses I’ve gotten to them I wanted to put up a few more chest dumbbell exercises that will get you even stronger in your chest.
Strength in the chest area can be beneficial for many reasons, and many people regularly focus on working their chest. In our last post about chest dumbbell exercises we talked about the bench press (incline and normal), the straight arm pullover, and the lying down fly. In this post we will talk about a variation to both of the different bench presses, and the bent arm pullover. Below I’ll go over how to properly do these exercises:
Bench Press with a Neutral Grip
For this exercise, you start out the exact same way as the normal bench press with dumbbells but with one slight change. Instead of holding the dumbbells with your palms facing your feet, hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other. Then just raise the dumbbells straight up in the air, pause, and bring them back down to the starting position.
Incline Bench Press with a Neutral Grip
As we’ve said in previous posts, the inclined bench press is the exact same thing as the normal bench press that you’ve done in your dumbbell exercises. So the incline bench press with a neutral grip is that same thing as the normal bench press with a neutral grip. Just make sure that you’re on an inclined bench instead of the normal bench and make sure that your palms are facing each other. Also in all variations of bench pressing, breathe out as you are raising the dumbbells up and breathe in when you’re lowering the dumbbells back down.
Bent Arm Pullover
The last chest dumbbell exercise that we will go over today is the bent arm pullover. For this exercise you will be lying down on your back on a bench holding two dumbbells behind your head on the ground, with your arms bent at a 90 degree angle while you’re holding them. Then, while making sure you keep that 90 degree angle for your elbows, raise the dumbbells up until your elbows hit your chest, pause, and slowly bring them back to the original position.
These are three more great chest dumbbell exercises that are very easy to do and will strengthen your chest area in no time.


Top Ten Embarrassing Running Problems

Running is good for you, fact. Running gives your heart muscle an effective work out and improves your circulation, helps you stay in shape and strengthens your bones. However, all runners will know that there is a dark side to running. Oh yes. A leaky bladder, runner's trots and bloody nipples are all things to expect when you start pounding the pavements regularly. Here we list the top 10 embarrassing runner's problems.

10) Excessive Sweating

Whilst it may be embarrassing sometimes, sweat is actually runner's best friend. Perspiration is our natural means of coping with body heat; the more we move the more we heat up and the more we sweat. As you become more highly trained, you become more efficient in cooling your body through sweating; well-trained athletes actually sweat more than amateurs.

Runners should make sure they wear the right clothing to help deal with excessive sweating. When it comes to running, cotton is Enemy No.1, absorbing heat and moisture and keeps it clinging to your body like a wet rag. Good running clothing will 'wick' moisture away from the body to the outside, keeping you comfortable and dry.

9) Acne

Acne on the upper back, chest and upper arms is common for runners. When you run, the sweat combined with friction from your rubbing clothes can clog your pores, causing unsightly spots. Women often experience this more, and pimples are prevalent around clothing covered skin like under their sports bra.

The best way to deal with runner's acne is to shower immediately after a run and cleanse acne prone areas thoroughly. Make sure you change out of any sweaty clothes as soon as possible- sitting around in them will just intensify the problem!

8) Itchy Legs

Itchy legs are a common and annoying problem for runners, particularly beginners. Inside our muscles are millions of tiny capillaries and arteries which expand rapidly during exercise due to demand for more blood. When fit, the capillaries open, but these tend to collapse when you are inactive. The rapid expansion of capillaries causes nerves to send impulses back to the brain, which are interpreted as an itch.

Quite simply, the more you run the more your itching will subside. And whatever you do, don't scratch! It will only make the itching worse.

7) Rashes

Heat rash, prickly heat and miliaria rubra are commonly experienced by runners when their sweat glands become blocked or over-stimulated and can't release perspiration. Heat rash can be exacerbated by friction, tight clothing and hot weather. Make sure you wear comfortable, running clothes that wick moisture away from your skin, and shower as quickly as you can after a run to lower your surface temperature.

6) Jogger's nipple

Jogger's nipple is a common problem for runners, particularly men. The nipples are formed from delicate tissue, and as you run your clothing can rub against them causing irritation, dryness, inflammation and even bleeding. Men suffer particularly with jogger's nipple because they are not protected by sports bras.

Wearing the right clothing will help prevent sore nipples. Women should protect themselves with a well-fitting sports bra, and men could use a plaster or surgical tape to protect their nipples from their outside clothing. Barrier creams like Vaseline can also be used to great effect.

5) Chafing

Other areas of your body can also suffer from chafing when running, particularly around the groin or inner thighs. The most common symptom of chafing is a painful stinging or burning sensation, and the area is usually red and raw.

The no cotton rule applies to underwear when running. Tight fitting, synthetic underwear will wick away moisture and help to prevent chafing. Some runners even prefer to run without any underwear on at all- whatever works for you!

4) Clicking joints

Many people have joints that click when they run, and as long as there is no pain with the clicking then there is usually nothing to worry about. But if you are experiencing pain with your clicking joints then it could be that you are 'out of alignment' in some way.

If you have private medical insurance then it could be worth getting your physiotherapist to take a look at you, or go to your GP to be referred to one on the NHS. You may be flat-footed or have one leg longer than the other, which may be causing your joints to work inefficiently.

3) Black toenails

Black toenails are a common affliction of many runners. If a toe is under pressure from the shoe or a sock that is too tight, the sustained pressure damages the tissue around the toenail - the black toenail is a result of the broken blood capillaries. The nail will usually fall off when a new nail eventually grows in.

To prevent black toenails, make sure you are wearing a correctly fitting running shoe, trim your toenails regularly, and wear wicking socks rather than cotton ones. If you do suffer a black toenail, leave it alone as it will heal in its own time. However, if you notice any redness or infection, then see your doctor.

2) Leaking bladder

Leaking urine when you run may feel embarrassing, but it is actually more common than you might think, particularly in women. It's official term is 'exercise-induced urinary incontinence, and 30%-40% of women have experienced it to a point where it bothers them. Exercise-induced urinary incontinence is more common as women age, and also more common in women who have given birth.

Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscle and may help with mild bladder leakage. However, anyone who is worried about it should visit their doctor, who will be able to offer advice and treatment for the condition. Some health insurance policies even offer cover for private bladder treatments and surgery.

1) Runner's Trots

Whatever you want to call it, diarrhea is a major concern for many runners- around 20 to 50% suffer from "urgency to defecate"! The causes of runner's diarrhea remain under debate, but it is thought that running alters intestinal hormones. Runner's diarrhea will normally clear up by itself from several hours to two days after running, but make sure you replace lost fluids by drinking plenty of water.

Your diet can create the problem, but medical issues like irritable bowel syndrome can make it worse. It can be worth keeping a food diary to see how your diet affects your bowel movement. When all else fails, consult with your doctor about taking anti-diarrhea medicine, such as Imodium, one hour before an important run.


Emma helps get pupils into spirit of peace

PUPILS at a Hebburn school got in shape to spread the peace message.

Various activities marking World Peace Day were held at St Joseph’s RC Comprehensive School in Mill Lane.

Fitness expert Emma Newham led special yoga sessions at the school, with dozens of students encouraged to exercise and meditate to reach a more peaceful state of mind.

Mrs Newham, who runs MyBody Studios in Station Road, East Boldon, said: “The idea was to get the students relaxed, and I asked them to take part in visualisations.

“This involved them lying on the floor, and they were asked to focus on their breathing and to try and visualise certain images.

“One of the things I asked them to think of was of walking in a park at the beginning of summer, with the early dewdrops on the grass.”

Although teenagers can become self-conscious and giggle during such exercises, the majority of the pupils got into the spirit of World Peace Day.

Mrs Newham added: “I think most of the students got something out of the exercise.

“When they were on the floor, I explained that lying perfectly still and not speaking was often one of the most difficult postures in yoga.”

More than 40 students took part in the yoga sessions at the Hebburn school, which Miss Newham led for the first time last year.

Sixth form students at St Joseph’s also recently debated peace during a visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.

Students won a place on the trip through an educational competition, aimed at boosting understanding between schools throughout Europe.

Judges selected St Joseph’s after they were impressed with a DVD of a festive event pupils ran for Bede Burn Primary School in Jarrow.


Fit Links: What Not To Do During Workouts, Hiking Yoga And More

There are hundreds of wonderful sites on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. Here at Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

You probably already know some of the dos and don'ts for before and after your workouts, but are you following the rules during exercise? Make the most of each sweat session and take the best care of your body with FitSugar's list of things not to do during a workout.

In April, a popular program currently available in 15 cities will debut in New York City's parks -- hiking yoga! Well + Good NYC has the must-know facts for before you go.

Looking for a tough -- but fun -- workout to whip your body into bikini-ready shape? Find out which DVD Fit Bottomed Girls is raving about.


5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

Nowadays, because of our lifestyle, health problems are a topical subject. Indeed, according to BBC News, the number of English people admitted to hospital for obesity problems rose by more than 30% in 2010. To get the situation better, lots of solutions are searched by society. Among them, the more beneficial one is to resort to hire a Personal Trainer. Here are five reasons a Personal Trainer may be right for you.
One of the main reasons to hire a Personal Trainer belongs to the fact to be encouraged. Indeed, to be both and obtain advice from an external and professional person is motivating. Moreover, this last one takes care of us during all the training: from the beginning to the end. The Fitness Trainer is only focused on us. So, it could only allow to create a good personal impact.
Individualized Program
Before beginning to work together, it is essential that the Personal Trainer has to get to know us. Indeed when we appeal to a Personal Trainer, we have personal aims, so the professional has to propose an individualized training program. Thanks to his help and his program, it is easier to reach the health goals.
A New Hobby
Working, cooking, sleeping, having a full family life... are casual activities but why don't you add a new and personal activity in your daily life? Thanks to this, you will have your own take care time. And this time is essential for you but also for your family. Doing sport with a professional is an additional hobby and a way to have a break in your own life.
To Feel Better Physically Helps to Feel Better Mentally
Today, feeling good in our body is very important to trust in ourself and succeed in our life. We need to feel at ease whenever and wherever to succeed professionally and personally. During the training, working alone with a Personal Trainer allows us to focus on our body and have a private space to work out in. Doing sport enables us to exercise a kind of therapy which has twin effects: physical effect and psychological effect. When we feel better with our body it helps to feel better with our mind.
A Better Lifestyle
Doing sport frequently is good for health and this activity helps us to keep a healthy lifestyle. When you hire a Personal Trainer, you begin to know your body better and to increase your self confidence. Join sport with healthy food to avoid health problems and obtain a more healthy life. Losing weight is still more important to improve health than to get a better appearance.


Knee Braces - Buy From the Best Manufacturer

Knee braces are extremely helpful for athletes as well as people suffering from osteoarthritis. Athletes have to move around too much and faster as well. They have to make a lot of preparation before any strenuous activity and still they are prone to different types of injuries and damages. Wearing knee braces and few other forms of medical bracing helps athletes to get comparatively less strain on different parts of their bodies. The strain is usually put in order to put all the efforts to win the game. They work as suspension and distribute the stress that could have been put on one part of the body and this prevents injuries.
Knee braces help line up the knee in proper way and even if any of the parts is damaged; the pressure is reduced from the damaged parts reducing the pain. This also helps reduce the pressure and restore function. Knee bracing not only helps treat knee joint, but also delays the need for knee joint replacement. Many people who were suffering from knee problem that included pain, stiffness and disability to move properly, have experienced relief and they are now leading an active lifestyle as well. Not only this, many who were interested in recreational sport could permit themselves to participate in these sports without any hesitation.
When it comes to choose the right company that produces knee braces, Jobst is the name that comes in the mind of many people almost immediately. Many kinds of diseases including inability to move and lead a normal life have been cured by the support stockings and other compression socks made by Jobst. In fact, when you are going to buy such an important thing, you have to find the best company and buy products made by that company. The best thing about the stockings and foot care products that Jobst manufacture is that it can be worn as fashionable wear and worn casually too without making any other person guess that you are wearing something medicated.
Usually medicated products give an impression that the person is suffering from some type of disease or another. However, nowadays most of the manufacturers put stress on making products that are competent enough to give the right amount of support and at the same time they also enhance the look of the part of the body supported. This leaves most of the people do not worry about their looks and appearance while they are treating or supporting their joints and other body parts.


Finding Time For Fitness

I truly didn’t think I had time for exercise before this year – and I certainly wasn’t very eager to shift my schedule around much to make time for it.  Now if chocolate is involved in an activity, I can make time f0r it - no problem.  But exercise?  That hasn’t made it consistently onto my priority list since high school.  And that was, you know…way back in the 1900′s.  ;)

So, how did this happen?  For starters, I had to just decide that I was going to be consistent with exercising - plain and simple.  I found that it really helped that I was going to be working out with a friend.  Accountability is key for me.

It wasn’t long before I started seeing results – mainly a huge increase in my energy level!  Then I started noticing that my muscles were more toned.  My lungs started to feel stronger.  My endurance level increased.  My belt needed to be tightened.

Somehow, since I have discovered that I love exercising, the time needed for it has magically appeared.  I’m guessing that this is because I’ve decided to make fitness a priority in my life.  I’m not really sure what I took out of my schedule in order to add in the workouts, but I have consistently been able to exercise four to six days each week since mid-January.  Somehow, I’m still able to get everything else done each day.  That probably has something to do with that increased energy I mentioned earlier!

Keep in mind – my children aren’t babies anymore.  I think that most people can find at least a little bit of time to exercise each week, but I know that I would not have been able to work out at my current level of intensity a few years ago when my boys were littler.  Could I have done something though?  Yes, I believe I could have – at least two or three days each week.  I sure wish I would have.  If I would have only known how good I would feel!

At this point, Jen, my friend and work-out buddy/personal trainer, and I try to work out five to six days a week.  Some days we get in about 30 minutes of resistance training (lifting weights).  Other days we take long walks – sometimes up to eight miles if we have time.  Occasionally we jog part of that walk.  Some days we do a 45-minute intense work-out video.  Some days, we can’t find time for a workout at all.

Our workout times vary from day to day.  We just try to grab those minutes that fit into the schedule, even if it means we can’t start a workout until 9:30 at night.  Ha!  Recently at a soccer game, she and I decided to go for a jog/walk while we waited for Justus’ team to warm up.  Then we took advantage of half-time too.  Hey, you gotta make it work whenever you can make it work.  And sometimes, while running around a soccer complex in front of dozens of people, you just have to realize that you’re a little bit crazy.  (Um, that would be me…not Jen.  Although she was with me, so…)

Three 10 Minute Trainer Upgrade Heavy Resistance Workout Routines-10 Minute Trainer

The 10 Minute Trainer Upgrade Heavy Resistance is an addition to the 10 Minute Trainer - Heavy Resistance. It includes intense workouts that are not included in the original heavy resistance. Heavy resistance workouts are those that require greater energy and endurance. These workouts offer more challenges than the deluxe or medium resistance workouts.
Even the busy people, the ones who are primarily targeted by this program, can do energy pumping or heavy resistance workouts anytime and anywhere. Like the other 10-minute trainers these high endurance workouts only last for 10 minutes. The following are just some of the additional heavy resistance workouts that are offered in this upgrade.
1. Total Body
This workout includes several fat-burning routines such as cardio, push-ups, and other routines that involve the entire body.10 Minute Trainer In this compilation, Tony had grouped several cardio and other routines to work on different muscles of the body at the same time. You may start with a little stretching with this program and after a minute you are going to switch to another move. This program requires less repetition because it uses a maximum of 10 different moves in 10 minutes. One particular routine may just count from one to eight and no time to repeat. Every second counts in this program so Tony never wasted a single second in this workout. Even the rests in between are counted.
2. Core Cardio.
Maybe you won't believe that you can burn fats in just 10 minutes. Well, you better start believing now. Tony applied in this program a special technique to tighten your midsection and to reveal your six-pack abs by shedding some fats in the abs area. You can have intense workouts that last for 10 minutes on your core area.
3 Upper Body.
This includes toning and shaping up of your muscles on the upper body.10 Minute Trainer The routines used in this volume work on your arms and shoulders to reveal those muscles of your dream. In this program, you will be facing a battery type of workouts that last for 10 minutes. Each workout on the series may last a minute or two depending on its intensity. Frequency is disregarded because repetition is not necessary in this under time pressure workout.
These additional workouts are effective in delivering results even on the first week of activity. The additional heavy resistance workouts are worth the upgrade. These will surely improve the muscles on the particular areas that they focus into.10 Minute Trainer If you have even 15 minutes of free time and you think you are fit enough to face some challenges, you may try these upgrades on the 10 minute trainer with high resistance workouts. You will just need 10 minutes for the workout and you can save the remaining 5 minutes for a rest.


Brazil Butt Lift – Week 3 Results

Three weeks done already!  Only one week remaining!

Yesterday I was gone all day and didn’t get home until 11pm.  I didn’t do my workout in the morning because I had to wake up earlier than normal already, to leave on time.  But I knew that today was my rest day, so I thought that I could just switch the days to make yesterday my rest day, and do Saturday’s workout today.Brazil Butt Lift  In terms of my results, I’m sure switching the days would have been fine.  And I considered doing that.

But then I remembered how I wasn’t just doing the Brazil Butt Lift to get in shape, but also so that I could stick with something for a whole 4 weeks and not slack on it.  I have been doing so well so far, and I am proud (or shall I say surprisingly impressed) that I haven’t missed a day.Brazil Butt Lift  It really shows that working out is now one of my top priorities.  Since I left my job a bit ago, I’m fortunate to have the luxury of planning my day around things like a workout.  And its really been nice to do that.

Anyway, in the end I opted to do the workout at 11pm.  So I have stuck with my goal.  Its so easy for me to twist things around, like, “its not really cheating if I just switch the days because I’m still doing the work.”  But it is cheating, because its doing the work on my schedule, not on the Brazil Butt Lift schedule, and that’s not what I set out to do.  And now that I’ve proven to myself that I am capable of keeping a promise to myself, I can use that in any other challenge that comes my way.

I almost think I look worse than last week.  Hm.  The only thing I can think of is to cut out more carbs/grains from my diet.Brazil Butt Lift  And dairy.  Maybe I’ll try that more this week, since I only have one week of the program left and I had hoped to have some better results!  I’ll try and be more productive this week, too, since its usually when I’m bored that I eat the worst!


The Truth About Alli Diet Supplement Pills For Weight Loss

For anyone who has ever wondered about whether Alli diet supplement pills and similar weight loss aides can really be effective in the battle against obesity, there are few easy answers.
Though it might be comforting to think that there is a magic bullet out there that can simply melt the pounds away, such is not the case. The truth is that dieting products can increase a dieter's ability to reduce body fat, but can seldom do so on their own.
Misconceptions and missed opportunities
There is no doubt that many people have given mixed reviews to the various dieting capsules and other products that are on the market these days. For those who have attempted to reach their ideal body weight using only these pills, the experience has been disappointing at best. Unfortunately, those people have basically misused the product and thus missed out on the potential benefits it offers.
The key to achieving fat reduction goals with a product like this is to make it a part of the dieting strategy, rather than relying upon the pills exclusively. Let's make this one thing clear: there is no single pill that can, by itself, shed those excess pounds. Proper weight reduction occurs when these products are used alongside traditional forms of weight loss.
That means that it is still necessary for the dieter to consumer to reduce his caloric intake below what is required to maintain his current weight. This basic requirement for losing weight simply cannot be ignored. When a proper dieting plan is employed, however, supplements can prove quite effective.
How these supplements work
Alli's effectiveness in maximizing ordinary weight reduction efforts stems from its ability to block the enzymes that break down fat in the digestive tract. This forces the fat to pass through the intestines and out of the body, without being absorbed as calories by the body.
Since every gram of fat contains more than twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbohydrate, preventing the body from processing those calories can be an important part of any dietary strategy. Best of all, these supplements are available without a prescription, making them an affordable and easily accessible tool to aid any weight loss plan.
There are no easy solutions for winning the struggle to lose weight. Success requires a firm commitment to calorie reduction and healthier eating habits. Still, it is helpful to know that overall body fat reduction can be increased by as much as fifty percent when products like Alli diet supplement pills are used as part of a sensible dieting strategy.


MCT Oil - A Very Underrated Supplement

Shedding body fat and getting ripped takes determination, willpower and discipline. People are always looking for that 'miracle supplement', or 'silver bullet' to make it easier. Truth be told, nothing will make it easy. You are still going to have to work your butt off. However, there are a few tips and tricks that could help get you there quicker. One such tip is increasing your intake of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) or MCT oil.
What is MCT oil?
MCT oil is a fat produced from coconut oil and palm kernels. Sometimes people just refer to it as coconut oil.
Now before you ask, "how is increasing my fat intake going to help?" you need to realize that not all fats are created equal.
Most dietary fat is made up of Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT's), consisting of 12-18 carbon atoms per chain. Medium Chain Triglycerides on the other hand are shorter, consisting of 6-10 carbon atoms per chain. Because of this difference in structure, the two fats have vastly different properties.
What makes MCTs useful?
Due to the reduced chain length, MCTs are absorbed and then metabolized very rapidly. They are very efficiently converted into fuel for immediate use, instead of being stored as fat. They are used as energy much faster than glucose and have over twice the calories per gram, making them an excellent energy source during intense exercise.
MCT oil can help you get in shape for the following reasons:
1. It improves endurance and athletic performance.
2. It promotes fat burning (Thermogenesis).
3. 3. MCTs increase metabolic rate.
4. MCTs maintain muscle mass.
Is MCT Oil Safe?
In addition to some of the side effects mentioned above (nausea, gastric difficulties, diarrhea), there are some further warnings about using MCT oil:
Ketone bodies are produced as a by-product of MCT metabolism, so the use of MCT's by diabetics is not recommended.
People with liver disease should also stay away from MCTs, as MCTs are rapidly delivered to the liver and their presence can put unnecessary stress on the liver.
People with hepatic encephalopathy, should not take MCT.
Extended use of MCTs may increase cholesterol levels.
MCTs have been shown to improve endurance and athletic performance, accelerate fat burning, speed up your metabolism and maintain muscle mass.
So yes, they can be extremely beneficial in helping you achieve your fitness and athletic goals, but they are not to be abused as there are many potential side-effects. Few studies have been conducted to determine the long-term effects of their use.
My suggestion is to use MCT oil, but use it sparingly. Don't use it all the time. Start slowly to figure out how your body responds to it. Use it for a specific purpose, to either provide you with a boost during your hardest training sessions or when you're in the final phases of your low-carb diet, getting ripped.
As the cliche' goes, 'anything in moderation'.


Exercises To Lose Love Handles Fast

When it comes to discovering the best exercises to lose love handles you're going to have to find the exercises which are also highly effective for fat loss as well. The truth about losing your love handles, also known as your obliques, is that you can't spot reduce fat on your body. This basically means you can't just do exercises like crunches and sit-ups to lose your belly fat. Many people end up wasting their time in the gym while also looking a little ridiculous as they do side-bends for a half an hour.

The most effective means of losing fat off your body and also your love handles is to first focus on your dieting and then implement specific exercises to tone up the area. This means you should be aware of your daily caloric intake because you will obviously gain more fat if you're eating too many calories and the calories you're taking in should also be coming from healthy sources. Some healthy things you should think about including into your nutrition program include lean protein sources, healthy fats, vegetables and some fruits. You're going to want to naturally stay away from foods that make you fat as well such as foods that are fried, processed, sugary and starchy carbohydrates.

Most people naturally think they should focus on doing specific exercises that target the love handles but the truth is you should also include full body movements too. These full body movements such as squats and deadlifts are going to have significant more impact on how much fat you can burn and how much lean muscle you can gain. After you have done a few of these total body exercises you can then progress to isolation exercises such as side planks to help to further tone your love handles.

I would also recommend including a high intensity interval training routine to the end of your workouts as well as the days in between your weight lifting sessions. This means you're going to find a source of cardiovascular exercise such as sprinting or swimming and then alternate between periods of high intensity and lower intensity. This method of cardiovascular exercise has been proven to burn significant more amounts of fat than traditional endurance based exercise. I've found this kind of high intense training to be more fun and it will also take only a fraction of the time.

Hard work is inevitably going to be needed to permanently lose those love handles and there's really no shortcuts around it. Be sure to place most of the focus on your dieting so you can eliminate the fat off your body and then invest in doing some of the exercises mentioned above to help tone the area and enhance your overall fat burning. Alcohol is another substance that should be avoided to not only improve your health but to also eliminate the storing of fat in your stomach. Drinking alcohol is going to cause a chain reaction of hormonal releases which will slow down your metabolism shutting off your fat burning.


Tips for Finding Small Shoes and Large Shoes

Having petite feet is often perceived as feminine but finding petite sized shoes for an adult can become difficult as small sized women's shoes are often hard to find. Petite size shoes are made - shoe manufacturers produce shoes in a wide range of different widths and sizes. The reason that smaller than average sizes shoes are often difficult to find is because high street stores do not order them on a regular basis like normal sizes because there is not a perceived demand for shoes in smaller than average sizes for women with small feet.

Women with small sized feet are not as fortunate as their average foot sized friends believe they are. Women who wear a shoe size 1 may find the correct size shoe and may find it in an adult style shoe that they like but a common problem often encountered is that the shoe is often too wide may still be too much of a wide fitting shoe for narrow and dainty feet. I have often heard it said that it is easier for ladies that require a large sized ladies shoe to find shoes than it is for those unfortunate to be a below average sized shoe to find stylish and chic shoes in an adult size and not have to resort to shopping in the children's range.

There are a few shops I am aware of that can be classed as speciality shops and do feature clothing specifically above and below what are considered normal and average sizes however such shops are very niche targeted and do not often have a wide range of clothing and shoes available in stock or on display.

Shopping for women's petite size shoes can be ardous sometimes but do not immediately dismiss high street chain, sometimes the size you require can be ordered specially if it is available. If you are really lucky they might even have one in stock. If you order a specific product that is not in stock but can be obtained from suppliers you might have to pay a small deposit or even the full amount.

An option that I would definitely recommend is to shop online for anything that may seem hard to obtain from high street stores. Online shopping and the use of search engines to find things that used to be difficult to obtain really has been a lifeline for many people with individual requirements, whether you have large size feet or extra small feet there is a wealth of information and e-commerce sites that are returned each time a search query is entered. The major drawback of shopping online for footwear, in any size, is that you are unable to actually try on the shoes and decide if they fit correctly and often it can be the case that those gorgeous shoes you viewed online are not as good as they looked. Try to ensure that if you do order anything online such as footwear or clothing that the company has an adequate returns policy and does not affect your statutory rights.

A few advantages of shopping online, especially for specialist and niche products, is that it is very convenient and can often save you a lot of time that could have been spent seeking what you want to purchase. Google is now actually a word in the Dictionary so feel free to Google away and find what you want and need. Online is often a very competitive marketplace for merchants too so you may be able to pick up a bargain and may even be able to enjoy free delivery so whether you have large or small feet, wide feet or thin feet there will usually be an online merchant that is attempting to fill a niche in the market.


Importance Of Symmetry And Girdle In Pear Diamonds

There are many different aspects of a diamond that will affect the overall pricing and quality of the stone. When referring to the performance of a diamond we are talking about the reflective qualities that it will possess. In order to have a diamond that has good performance, we need to look at the symmetry, girdle and four c's. In this article, I'll be explaining why these features are important and how they can effect the quality of the diamond.

The Symmetry

Symmetry is one of the most important aspects of any diamond. Without the correct symmetry a stone won't reflect as well as it could. With the pear shaped diamond, the symmetry is key. There are 58 facets cut into a pear diamond. Each one of these is an elongated triangle. A facet is a space on the stone that has been cut out to form a smooth and flat surface. They are important for fixing clarity problems. This means that a well cut pear diamond will be able to get rid of blemishes and inclusions. Facets should always be cut parallel to each other. This will ensure that the light has a number of different enter and exit points. Pear cuts are known for making a diamond look larger than other stones of the same carat weight. This is due to the light reflection properties, and is all credited to the symmetry.

The Girdle

The girdle of a diamond is the section of the stone that forms the main bulk of the shape itself. Depending on the girdle of the diamond will depend on the outcome of the shape as a whole. When measuring the girdle of a stone there are three different levels. These are; thin, medium and thick. Other measurements can be made in between these as well such as; thin-medium. The optimum girdle measurement is medium, however a thin or thick girdle won't affect the carat weight and therefore the costs.

The Four C's

Buyers should always make sure they know as much about the four c's as possible. These are; cut, clarity, colour and carat weight. By knowing everything there is to know about the four c's and how a stone is graded you will be able to make a more educated choice on what stone will suit your needs best. Out of all of these factors the carat weight has the biggest impact on the overall value of a diamond. A one carat diamond is roughly 0.2 grams and is worth around $7,500. A two carat diamond is worth a lot more than if two one carat diamonds were brought separately. This is because larger diamonds are much rarer, and, therefore, the price goes up considerably. For this reason, a lot of people choose to purchase to separate diamonds within a setting rather than just one large stone. This makes the purchase more cost effective. Remember to always look at the grading report prior to making the choice to buy a stone.