
Barbell Complex Workout: A Quick Way To Put On Muscle And Burn Fat At The Same Time

It is difficult to picture a barbell workout as anything but your typical series of exercises like: bench presses, squats, and deadlifts. These types of exercises are part of a good muscle building foundation. However, if you really want to take your muscle building and fat burning to a whole new level you can get creative and use a barbell complex workout.
Traditional bodybuilding consists of using barbells in a compound movement. Once you complete one set you rest for a period of time, regain your energy and do your next set.
These types of exercises are great but there are limitations to a typical barbell workout. Barbell exercises will only give you the benefit of building mass without burning fat. Although putting on mass is a goal most guys want to stay as lean as possible.
Burning Fat the Traditional Way
So the old school way of burning fat was by doing cardio. I can pretty much guess that you hate doing cardio. Getting on the treadmill, running for 60 minutes and huffing and puffing is not your favorite (or my favorite) way of burning fat.
The old advice given by a fitness trainer went like this:
Do some form of cardio for 30 to 60 minutes on days you are not doing weight training.
Do your cardio after you finish your weight training.
Both pieces of advice are valid. Cardio is effective in burning fat and you can choose to do it on the same day as your strength training or on separate days.
But why not knock 2 birds with one stone and get the benefits of cardio while at the same time doing strength training?
The Key to Having a Lean Athletic Body
Long boring cardio will not give you an athletic looking body. If you do long sessions on the treadmill or do long jogs you will look like a marathon runner. A lean and athletic body is more about developing your fast twitch muscles.
In order to develop your fast twitch muscle you can use 2 approaches:
  • Use high intensity intervals in your cardio training
  • Perform strength training workouts using compound exercises in an explosive manner.
I personally enjoy the 2nd option, especially if I can use creative exercises that give me both a muscle building and a fat burning advantage.
Barbell Complex Workout
Although the name may suggest that a barbell complex is a workout consisting of difficult exercises it is actually quite the opposite.
These types of workouts are easy to do and most of the exercises are probably familiar to most beginners to intermediate level fitness buffs.
All these types of workouts consist of is choosing a group of compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, a pressing type movement and a pulling movement, doing these one after another without any rest in between and presto, you now have a barbell complex.
Here is an example:
  • Deadlifts (10 reps)
  • Barbell Rows (10 reps)
  • Upright Row (10 reps)
  • Barbell Shoulder Press (10 reps)
  • Squats (10 reps)
Move from one exercise to the next without putting the weight/ barbell down. You do not rest in between exercises until you complete the last exercise in the series.
Completing the entire sequence of exercises counts as one set. Rest for one minute and repeat the series of exercises again.
You can do this for 2 to 3 sets total and perform this workout once or twice a week on non consecutive days.
This type of workout is tough and will have you with your heart pumping and breathing heavily but you will find that a barbell complex workout will give you the benefits of both a strength training workout and cardio without the hassle of running for long, boring periods of time.

