I truly didn’t think I had time for exercise before this year – and I certainly wasn’t very eager to shift my schedule around much to make time for it. Now if chocolate is involved in an activity, I can make time f0r it - no problem. But exercise? That hasn’t made it consistently onto my priority list since high school. And that was, you know…way back in the 1900′s. ;)
So, how did this happen? For starters, I had to just decide that I was going to be consistent with exercising - plain and simple. I found that it really helped that I was going to be working out with a friend. Accountability is key for me.
It wasn’t long before I started seeing results – mainly a huge increase in my energy level! Then I started noticing that my muscles were more toned. My lungs started to feel stronger. My endurance level increased. My belt needed to be tightened.
Somehow, since I have discovered that I love exercising, the time needed for it has magically appeared. I’m guessing that this is because I’ve decided to make fitness a priority in my life. I’m not really sure what I took out of my schedule in order to add in the workouts, but I have consistently been able to exercise four to six days each week since mid-January. Somehow, I’m still able to get everything else done each day. That probably has something to do with that increased energy I mentioned earlier!
Keep in mind – my children aren’t babies anymore. I think that most people can find at least a little bit of time to exercise each week, but I know that I would not have been able to work out at my current level of intensity a few years ago when my boys were littler. Could I have done something though? Yes, I believe I could have – at least two or three days each week. I sure wish I would have. If I would have only known how good I would feel!
At this point, Jen, my friend and work-out buddy/personal trainer, and I try to work out five to six days a week. Some days we get in about 30 minutes of resistance training (lifting weights). Other days we take long walks – sometimes up to eight miles if we have time. Occasionally we jog part of that walk. Some days we do a 45-minute intense work-out video. Some days, we can’t find time for a workout at all.
Our workout times vary from day to day. We just try to grab those minutes that fit into the schedule, even if it means we can’t start a workout until 9:30 at night. Ha! Recently at a soccer game, she and I decided to go for a jog/walk while we waited for Justus’ team to warm up. Then we took advantage of half-time too. Hey, you gotta make it work whenever you can make it work. And sometimes, while running around a soccer complex in front of dozens of people, you just have to realize that you’re a little bit crazy. (Um, that would be me…not Jen. Although she was with me, so…)