
The Secret to your Children's Lifelong Participation in Physical Activity and Sports

Sport: Sport is an activity requiring physical ability, physical fitness, or technique and strategy in which usually, but not always, involves competition between two or more people.

A physically active lifestyle would be dominant forward from childhood to adulthood is a goal that parents should strive for. This goal has been rather elusive so far according to Pratt, Macera & Blanton (1999), they found that physical activity decreased with advancing grade in children and teenagers. But all hope is not lost as there is a further increase in the likelihood of physical activity becoming a lifelong endeavor, as scientists found that if the activity is made fun.

Which is recommended for my child? Sport or Physical activity?

Physical activity should be promoted in children / adolescents as a lifelong habit (Kohl III & Hobbs, 1998). A positive physical activity can constituent of games, that offer children a lot of action, social interaction and personal involvement.

On the other hand, Sport is of higher complexity, with structures, rules, authorities, physical exertion and other demands that would not offer what children want. Thus, sport may not promote intrinsic motivation and positive self-efficacy. Sports should not be introduced to children prior to physical activities. (Barrett, 2001). Figler & Whitaker (1991), mentioned that in sport, fun is hoped for, but is not a necessary ingredient of the activity.

What would be a suitable physical activity?

Motivating factors that children would love to have are fun, skill development and exercise in any physical activity. With these factors, the child's social, emotional and physical needs are met. Therefore, Barrett (2001) concluded that it would promote motivation from within the child, to return repeatedly to the activity.

Coakley 2004, pointed ot that physical activities that children engage in should not have an emphasis on performance rather they should focus more on pleasure and participation. We need to focus on pleasure and participation so that children will stay put. In addition, we should provide children with the necessary interventions designed to enhance and encourage their self-believe, social support, and fun. This will result in children maintaining and increasing physical activity participation levels (Weiss, 1993).

Parents influence important?

Parents have been shown to be powerful influences on their children's physical activity patterns through activity. This is evident especially through modeling and reinforcement behaviors (Stucky-Ropp & DiLorenzo, 1993). An example would be, a child's interest and participation in physical activity is reinforced and encouraged through verbal and nonverbal means by their parents. Parents who do enjoy their own physical activity also convey the same message to their children.


Why Aren’t You Using Online Fitness Coaching?

If I were to tell you that you could burn away as much fat as possible by sitting at your computer twiddling your fingers and toes, would you believe me? Well I sure hope you don't!

However, losing weight in the confines of your own home at your computer is not only possible, it's a reality. What I mean is that you can use the advice that's given to you through online fitness coaching to pursue a more productive way of burning off undesired fat and reach your fitness goals.

Any program, no matter how difficult or time consuming takes effort. Through online coaching, anyone can receive the advice and the motivation to put 100% effort into their fitness goals. The end result whether its weight loss, toning, and muscle gain can be achieved with certainty.

It's all about saving time and money!

If you can imagine yourself with a personal trainer at the gym, receiving face to face advice, and helping you out physically with your exercise routine, then by all means sign up to one of your local programs and off you go! There's nothing wrong with having your own personal trainer.

But the down side is that these expert trainers cost money. Some can charge $150 per hour, and many find this service so expensive to the point where their wallets are paper-thin and overdue bills are pilling up!

The cost for each type of personal training (off line - meet your trainer type) varies with different levels of service and convenience. However, let's investigate some of these services offered.

Personal training in a health club:

This has to be the least expensive due to the fact that you're already paying the club a membership fee. You could be stuck with long cues for equipment let alone the discomforting stares of fellow exercisers.

Working out at home:

With a personal trainer, this can obviously be the most convenient provided you have some equipment at home. You might find yourself walking to the bank more often with the higher rates these "come to your home" types charge.

Private training studio:

If you've accepted the invitation for personal training at their studio, chances are you'll be paying fees that would fit into the "pricey" category. Location is also another factor; if the studio is located further away than you can walk then it may not be convenient for you.

Furthermore, if the personal trainer has a busy schedule, you may not get the appointment times you had hoped for.

Although location and price can be inconvenient, there's no doubt that this method can be the most effective way to exercise. Sometimes, it's a case of confidence and personal preference to avoid certain situations, which may leave you embarrassed, confused or bothered.

For example, many have been pushed into taking advantage of the local gym's personal trainers. In terms of the convenience factor, it's a plus if you've signed up for a lengthy period. But you might find that sweating and stretching in front of hundreds of people just isn't your thing! Many people just can't stand that.

Diets and Personal Training are alike!

The truth has to be told here. People who start an exercise routine (with or without a personal trainer), only half will continue this good habit for long-term. The rest will have thrown in the towel within 6 months.

How surprised would you be to find out that old habits are repeated when you stop personal training?

This obviously varies from person to person but the lack of trainer support can sometimes render a person lazy to the point where they neglect their fitness. Because for many it's the external motivation that provides the will to exercise and reach their goals in life.

Online fitness coaching can provide a very similar service to traditional personal training, and the costs involved are usually much lower and much more affordable for the general population.

In many situations, online consultation can be an excellent service if the trainer can deliver the right amount of motivation and supporting advice to the client. This can be seen in the case of weight loss, where many clients find weight loss a difficult task due to lack of confidence.

There are always that bunch of people who will shy away from a personal trainer because of misconceptions and stereotypes. They may fear having to hire one or be under false impression that trainers are just for athletes or bodybuilders.

This is far from the truth - a supporting hand from a trainer can go a long way for many wanting to slim down or improve their fitness levels.

Online coaching really excels when the trainer acts as a mentor and plays a supporting role to dissolve misconceptions and stereotypes about people's inability to achieve the results they're after.


Visualization Techniques

The most productive times to practice mental training are just after you wake up and just before you go to sleep.

First, imagine someone else producing a skill the way you want to do it. Picture them doing the skill ten times; trying to visualize everything they have to do to be successful. Then, replace that person with yourself, picturing yourself doing the skill successfully.
Imagine exactly what the action will feel like. Find somewhere quiet to do this so that you are not distracted. Watch yourself doing the action from different angles and from different distances. The majority of the time should be spent visualizing only the action and not the outcome.

When visualizing the outcome, visualize success most of the time, but also imagine how you will handle failure or mistakes. Put a positive spin on these situations. Always imagine success to follow immediately after any failure or mistake.

The first ten times you “watch” yourself do the skill, all of your focus should be on the skill, but on subsequent viewings. Start to visualize the entire scene, including obstacles you will have to overcome to improve. Try to include the entire sensation – smell, sounds, people, etc. Repeat the exercise by narrowing your focus. Feel each small aspect of the skill. For example, if you’re throwing a ball, imagine the feel of the ball and its’ weight. Feel the positioning of your feet the first time, and the dirt or grass under your feet. Remember, don’t just succeed at the skill you are visualizing, excel at it. In your mind you can be the best there is. The better you are the more likely it may one day become a reality.

See and feel yourself training and competing. You can use imagery to learn new skills, practice old ones and see yourself performing in locations you’ve never been to at all without getting sweaty, tired or injured. This will keep you calm, collected, and focused on your success.


Top Ten Fitness New Year's Resolutions

Many people tend to make unrealistic goals when it comes to creating a New Year’s Resolution based on health and fitness. Many rush immediately to a gym to sign up, go for a few weeks, and then decide to give up.

Instead of making these unreachable goals for yourself, why not start with some simpler, and more adequate resolutions. Here are some suggestions to creating a more manageable and achievable New Year’s Resolution.

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
2. Take the dog for a walk every day
3. Keep a water bottle at your desk and fill it twice a day
4. Pack a homemade healthy lunch at least 3 times a week
5. Post your 7 favorite shake recipes on the fridge and have one every day
6. Take fish oils daily to check your cholesterol and blood sugar levels
7. Sign up to a dance class, club, or sport with your partner
8. Purchase sessions with a trainer so that you go to the gym regularly
9. Limit your treats to one day a week
10. Join a forum (example: fitness.com’s training forum, or Weight Loss Support Forum) to become more motivated

You may come up with your own ideas, as these 10 solutions only name a few. The main idea is that they all have sustainable and objective outcomes. They are all positive for your health and well being, but don’t take away from your daily routine. This fine tweaking of creating manageable resolutions will eventually lead to fine victories.


Employee Wellness - Getting Workers Involved

Before I left the corporate world and struck out on my own, I worked at a large multi-billion dollar financial services firm. Each month, a 6-page wellness newsletter would be dropped off on my desk detailing how to live a healthier life. I dutifully read the bits I found interesting and then tossed it in the circular file cabinet. I am not knocking the newsletters; they generally contained good information and, if you followed their advice, they would probably lead you to a much healthier life. However, with skyrocketing health care costs and two-thirds of the American workforce overweight, exactly how effective is a monthly flyer?

You really can’t blame the Human Resource departments who generally administer wellness programs for the lack of options. The whole wellness phenomenon is something relatively new in the workplace. It can partially be attributed to the rise in the cost of insurance which will average $9,312 per employee according to a recent Towers Perrin study. It can also be attributed to a dramatic rise in obesity and lack of physical activity; both a direct offshoot of the modern sedentary, office worker. With people spending the majority of their waking hours either working or commuting, it leaves very little time for healthy activities.

A study by the American Institute for Preventative Medicine found that 62 percent of companies surveyed offer some form of wellness program; however, a recent study by Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America found that only 35 percent of employees believe that they have access to a wellness program and, of those who do, only 50 percent have participated in the offering. Even more troubling is that half of those who do participate quickly lose interest. An additional study by webMD looked at the effectiveness of these programs. It found that as participation level increased, the effectiveness of these programs increased dramatically: from a cost-benefit ratio of 2:1 for sparsely-used programs up to almost 20:1 for high-participation programs.

So now the big question for the employee wellness administrator is: how do I get my employees to participate and stay interested in my program? In The Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America study, 68 percent of employees suggested cash, gifts and additional vacation days as an effective motivator. This can be as simple as offering employees $100 to take a health screening or be more in-depth by offering employees an incentive to reach a certain level of fitness and offering them recurring incentives to maintain that level. An alternative version of this method allows the company to choose a high deductible health care plan and then reimburses workers who meet target health measures and complete health and wellness activities.

Besides using financial incentives, you can structure the wellness program itself to provide motivation by making it fun and rewarding. A popular program feature such as a fitness challenge can promote your wellness program and also be self-motivating. An employee wellness challenge provides a medium for workers to improve their health while participating in friendly competition. These challenges are typically modeled after the President’s Challenge from the President’s Council on Physical Fitness where daily activity is logged, or based on the popular The Biggest Loser TV show where competition is based on percent of weight loss.

A good idea is to combine the challenges so that people who do not need to lose weight can also participate and become healthier. A prominent feature at wellness4one.com allows wellness administrators to build a program that challenges users on losing the most weight, body fat and / or most exercise time accumulated. However the challenge is constructed, it provides reinforcing motivation to continue trying to get healthier after the first few months pass by and the easiest progress has been realized.

The one aspect that every study agrees on is that corporate wellness programs are effective. Even if you do a poor job at promoting your program, you should still expect a return on investment of two to one or better. With this in mind, there is no reason why every workplace does not implement some form of wellness program. Promoting the program and getting employees involved is the next obstacle. This is especially true when you consider that the higher the program participation rate, the higher the ROI. Monetary and benefit incentives can catch employee attention and help them find motivation where it might otherwise be lacking. Adding multi-faceted fitness challenges in your wellness program can help with program adherence even without other incentives. While developing a wellness program that fits your workplace and getting employees involved may not be a simple task, it is well worth the effort.


2 Essential Items for Success

Over the years I have coached and educated tens of thousands of people. This includes my time spend teaching high school, working as a lab instructor in university, presenting at conferences as well as working in a fitness setting with everyone from business professionals to elite athletes. And you know what? There is a common thread unifying all of the ones who have had the greatest success. This common thread is that they made a mental commitment to do what it takes to realize success. They bought into the plan and made the sacrifices to realize their goal. Their efforts were symbolic of a direction rather than a destination. And the success they have enjoyed has spilled over to other areas of their life and given them the confidence to succeed at whatever they choose. I believe it may have have been the basketball coach Bobby Knight who said, 'everyone wants success but not everyone wants to works for success'. Until we decide we want to work for success we are subconsciously resisting our potential for success.

The second item that must be present for success is to eliminate negatives. In a fitness setting we want to ensure all the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and muscles interact optimally. As soon as we detect an alignment issue we use the best methods available to clean up the deficiency and restore proper function. If we do not take the time to address and correct these issues then the chance of injury increases and the effectiveness of our workouts decreases. It would not make sense to continue adding load to the bar during our workouts if we noticed an alignment issue, or worse pain, during the movement. We must eliminate what is wrong first before proceeding towards our goal.

Another way of looking at this is from a nutritional perspective. Many realize the importance nutrition plays in achieving optimal health and performance and will often times seek out a supplement to enhance their progress. While there are a lot of great supplements out there, look first to see if there are any negatives you can remove from your nutritional plan before you add something. Are you eating fast food and trans fat? Do you drink soda or any form of high-fructose-corn-syrup? Do you drink enough water? Do you eat enough fibre? Do you eat before and after very workout? Do you have fish at least three times a week? Depending on your answers to these there may be some things that can be eliminated from the diet to improve your health before you seek something to add.

I believe these to be the two best pieces of advice for success and can be applied to many other areas of your life. You are all in different fields and can probably think of ways this may benefit your customers, friends and family. Pass along your wisdom and I will post for everyone's benefit.


How to get back in shape

Before starting to work out make sure you get a full physical from your doctor and a letter stating it is ok for you to do physical activity. Many gym and aerobic centers will require this before letting you start.

Depending on how long it has been since you last did regular exercise it is recommended that you start off slow and gradually build up your workout to harder levels.

It is generally recommended to start off at the gym with just the treadmill and the lifecycle for the first week or 2. This is to wake the muscles up and to slowly get you prepared for a harder workout.

You will generally want to find a speed on the treadmill that is a pace you can keep up with little discomfort and do it for 20 minutes. After this take a 5 minute break, stretch a little and have a drink of water, then go back and increase the speed just a bit then do another 20.

Remember that pushing yourself too far is taking a gamble that you may not be able to live with. In a casino you can put everything you have on the roulette table and maybe you win and maybe you lose, but in the gym if you push too hard you can die, so take things slowly.

Many people make the mistake of getting back into an exercise program and going all gung ho an trying to get back in shape in just one hour, well let me tell you this will not work. The only thing this will do is make you very sore the next day and you will not be able to workout that day, and it will make you lose interest fast in the gym. Discomfort in ok pain is not.

Depending on how long it has been since you last worked out, I recommend working out 4 or 5 days a week. This may seem like a lot but if you were trying to win a poker tournament you would go to a casino or an online casino and poker room to practice almost every day right? So you will have to do the same with the gym.

Working out 5 days a week does not necessarily mean you have to go to the gym every day. I recommend the gym 3 times a week and the other day or 2 you can just go for a long fast paced walk around your neighborhood. Try to vary the things you do so that you do not work out the same parts of your body 2 days in a row.

Most professionals will tell you that if you work out your arms and chest on a Monday do not exercise those muscles again for at least 48 hours. This is to give the muscles time to heal and grow. It is this straining and resting of the muscle that makes it grow not just the working it out. If all you did every day was work the same muscle group in a few days the muscle would be more likely to tear in a painful experience and the only thing you will be able to do for several months will be playing in an online casino from your laptop in bed.


How to Tackle Weight Loss...

Is there a more popular subject today than weight loss? If so, I surely can’t think of what it would be… maybe erectile dysfunction… but that’s a subject for another day!

The truth is that weight loss is one of the most popular subjects in America. Statistically, there seems to be a pretty good reason for that.

Being Overweight Has Become “The Norm”

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of American adults 20 years and older that are considered obese (traditionally defined as a person who is 20 lbs. or more over their ideal weight) is 34%. Further, the percentage of adults 20 years and older that are considered overweight, but not clinically obese, is an additional 34%.

That means that 68% of adults in our country are anywhere from slightly overweight to morbidly obese. Those are some scary statistics!

Those are also some very revealing statistics as to why we are bombarded day and night with advertisements for weight loss pills, diets, workout contraptions, and so forth.

The market for these products (or schemes in some cases) is huge! We all want to believe that there is a fast and easy way to overcome the struggles that have put us in the fore-mentioned 68% category. After all, who wouldn’t want to go to sleep and wake up with all that weight gone?

Regardless of what common sense tells us, when it comes to our weight, we tend to believe promises that we know better than to believe.

The “Too Good to Be True” Syndrome

A person’s weight is a sensitive issue. So when a marketer can properly appeal to our emotions, we often times don’t think twice about forking out the dough… even if deep down we know the promises are too good to be true.

The world of weight-loss advertising is a fraudulent fantasy-land where pounds "melt away”, no diet or exercise is required, and "miracle" substances “seek and destroy” enemy fat.

The FTC warns that the use of deceptive and misleading claims in weight-loss advertising is rampant. Nearly 40 percent of ads in a study by FTC regulators contained claims that were almost certainly false, such as "You can lose 18 pounds in one week." Additionally, 55 percent of ads made claims that were very likely false or lacked any proof.

So that begs the question, “What, if anything, are we to believe when it comes to weight loss?!”.

Approaching Weight Loss in a Responsible Manner

First, use your head when making a decision about how to approach weight loss. Be reasonable and take your emotions out of the equation. If someone told you that you could make $10,000 tomorrow without any work, would you believe it? Of course not. So take these weight loss schemes at face value and don’t buy into the ridiculous claims. All you will end up with a smaller bank account… or worse, MORE health issues.

Secondly, keep these important words in mind when making a decision on how to approach weight loss… According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

“It's natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly. But evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily are more successful at keeping weight off. Healthy weight loss isn't just about a "diet"… It's about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes…” (courtesy of www.cdc.gov)

The Real Truth

Simply put, there is no such thing as a permanent “easy” answer to overcoming weight gain. It will be work, and it will take time. But if you are willing and able to put in the work and the time, you will be rewarded.

“Work” is going to include exercising 60 – 90 minutes a day on most days of the week.

“Time” is going to be up to your body and the effectiveness of your chosen exercise routine.

Don’t approach weight-loss as a sidebar to your life. Make it a true lifestyle change and stick with it. After all, there is no better feeling than waking up every morning and enjoying what you see in the mirror!


10 Need-to-Know Facts About Breast Cancer

1. More to fear than fear itself. Surveys indicate that the no. 1 health fear of most women is breast cancer. As such, breast cancer statistics are alarming. In fact, a new case of breast cancer is diagnosed in the United States about every 3.5 minutes. Not only are more than 180,000 American women affected with breast cancer each year, approximately 41,000 women in the United States die annually from the disease.

2. Not a death sentence. Early detection is the key to surviving breast cancer. The earlier you diagnose the disease, the greater your chances of preventing the disease from advancing to a more serious stage. For example, the 5-year survival rate for women diagnosed with local breast cancer (Stages 1 and 2) is 98% compared with just 26% for those who are diagnosed with distant metastasized cancer (Stage 4).

3. Safeguarding your health. Mammograms are considered the most effective tool for the early detection of breast cancer. Mammograms, which should be performed annually by all women beginning at age 40 years, can detect breast cancer up to 2 years before a lump can actually be felt - a feature that is particularly important given the fact that in the early stages of breast cancer, no signs or symptoms of the condition exist. Furthermore, once a woman reaches the age of 20 years, the American Cancer Society recommends that she should perform a monthly breast self-examination.

4. The truth will set you free. It is not true that the size of a woman’s breasts affects her risk for getting breast cancer. In turn, wearing or not wearing a brassiere has nothing to do with breast cancer risk. Furthermore, you can’t get breast cancer by bumping, bruising, or pinching your breast.

5. Not for women only. Although being female is the single most important risk factor for breast cancer, the disease does occur in men. Although rare, almost 2,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer annually.

6. The numbers don’t lie. Being physically active boosts the odds that breast cancer patients will survive the disease. In fact, aerobically fit women are three times less likely to die of breast cancer that those who live a sedentary lifestyle. As such, with regard to surviving breast cancer, the benefits of exercise are greater in women whose breast cancer is sensitive to the hormone estrogen. Furthermore, exercise also has been shown to have a positive impact on the level of risk in developing breast cancer in the first place.

7. Everything is relative. Because the risk of developing breast cancer is not the same for all women, every woman should be proactive in knowing and addressing her own risk factors. As such, a woman’s personal risk of breast cancer is related to both her genetics and her lifestyle. For example, women with a strong family history of early breast cancer (i.e., two or more relatives diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50 years) are at an increased risk for developing the disease as are women who drink alcohol to excess.

8. Autumn leaves. Advancing age is a risk factor for breast cancer. In fact, 80% of breast cancer cases occur in women older than 50 years.

9. Not for everyone. A woman’s decision whether to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve her menopausal symptoms is complicated by the fact that HRT may affect her level of breast cancer risk, depending on the timing and type of HRT. The issue is further exacerbated by the fact that longer durations of HRT are often associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer, regardless of the timing from menopause onset.

10. Health maneuvers. Every woman’s breast cancer treatment strategy will be different, depending on the stage and characteristics of her cancer bout, her age, and the relative risks/benefits of various treatment options. After consulting with her physician, a woman should decide on the strategy that best addresses her own situation.


How Gender Can Affect Exercise Attitudes and Performance

1. Muscle mass matters. The average woman has (approximately two thirds) substantially less lean muscle mass (LMM) than her male counterpart. As a result of their greater quantity of LMM and coupled with their larger size and higher level of strength, men typically perform far better than women in activities that require explosive power.

2. "X" marks the spot. As a general rule, when the female elbow joint is hyperextended and a woman’s arms are extended in a supinated position, a woman’s elbows are much closer to each other than in men. In other words, a woman’s arms tend to form an "X," whereas a man’s arms tend to form parallel lines extending from the shoulders. The angular displacement of the female forearm to her upper arm can hinder her performance in both throwing activities and activities requiring maximum leverage.

3. The eyes of the beholder. Statistics show that the percentage of men who are relatively happy with their weight is substantially higher than it is for women. This difference can have an impact on why a person exercises and what exercise modality is ultimately undertaken.

4. Limits of size. Physically, the man’s heart and lungs are larger than those of the woman. The larger male heart and lungs produce higher stroke volumes and vital capacities than those of women. Men also have more oxygen in their arterial blood than do women. This factor is important because of the variations of compensatory changes in cardiac output. Since maximal cardiac output is limited somewhat by the size of the heart, a woman cannot (comparatively) compensate for the lower content of oxygen in the arterial blood. As a result, the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed while exercising is lower in women than in men.

5. Taking it to the limit. During vigorous physical exertion, women have to increase their heart rate since stroke volume and performance are limited by total blood volume. Accordingly, for a given submaximal work load, the average woman is always operating at a level closer to her maximum capacity than the average man, and will reach exhaustion sooner.

6. More likely to participate. Women are slightly more inclined to exercise on a regular basis than men. Furthermore, gender tends to influence the choice of exercise activities in which a person chooses to engage.

7. Steady as it goes. Women tend to accumulate fat on the waist, arms, and thighs, whereas men tend to accumulate fat primarily on the back, chest, and abdomen. Since women have a relatively longer trunk and shorter legs, their weight is distributed lower than it is in men. Thus, the female center of gravity is lower than that of males. Among the effects of this lower center of gravity is that women tend to have a higher level of balance, a characteristic that can impact performance in a number of physical activities.

8. Not an obstacle. Research indicates that physical activity has little or no effect on the average woman’s menstrual cycle. Accordingly, no restriction should be placed on the physical activity level of the average woman at any phase of her cycle.

9. The heat is on. Since heat (either metabolic or ambient) is a limiting factor in physical performance, both men and women must develop methods of coping with increases in temperature. In that regard, research has shown that women have a higher body temperature at rest than men, fewer sweat glands, lower sweat production, and a propensity to start sweating at higher temperatures than do men. Furthermore, a woman’s greater amount of adipose tissue serves as insulation and inhibits heat dissipation. The implication of these differences is that women have less tolerance to heat than men. As a result, women are more subject to heat stress than men and have to work relatively harder than men to achieve similar workloads under higher levels of heat conditions.

10. Structural restraint. A woman’s pelvis is 1/2 inch wider and is rounder than a man’s. From the slightly wider pelvis, a woman’s femurs extend at a greater angle. All factors considered, the joint distensions and the softer joints and ligaments in the pelvic girdle of a woman can hinder her ability to perform physical activities that involve running and jumping.


An Application for Personal Trainers

There is little doubt that the personal trainer industry is in a boom.  Just ask Google, where searching for "become a personal trainer" yields somewhere around 35 million returns.  There is also little doubt that the industry is well represented online - websites that deal with nutrition, bodybuilding, and health crop up almost every week.  And if you are a personal trainer, you should take notice: client expectations are rising and being a technically savvy trainer is no longer an option.  It’s a requirement. 

Thus, TrainSync was born.

The whole thing started when world-class athletic trainer Paul Balsom started searching for a tool that would help him make workout programs for his clients.

Trainers like Paul Balsom set the gold standard for the industry. He has experience as a decathlete and bobsleigh team member for Great Britain, was involved with the English Premiership Rugby League both as a player and head of strength and conditioning. He has also coached some of the world’s greatest Olympic athletes, sprint coaches and conditioning coaches. And for the past few years, he has been working to make his gym,  The Athlete Factory, one of the most sought after in Canada.

Paul tried several applications that advertised routine building for clients.  As he muddled his way through them, he decided that something much more simple was in order and got in touch with the nerdiest people he knew.

"The programs I tried were good at what they did - to a point," Paul tells us.  "The problem was that so many of the existing program builders only allow you to select from a library of pre-made excercises and routines.  I wanted something that was simple, and let me enter anything I wanted.  When I couldn’t find it, I decided to make something."

In the end, his goal was simple: make an app that would allow him and his gym’s coaches to create, track, and manage training programs for all of their clients with ease.

Paul’s vision has just become a reality with TrainSync now entering it’s beta. TrainSync makes it easy to enter all of your clients, custom tailor routines for each of them, and watch them get checked off as they complete the tasks.

"Ease of use - that was key for me," says Paul.  "I have tremendous respect for my coaches, they are all world-class individuals and trainers.  But they aren’t computer science grads - they want something simple that just works."

That could explain why, at first glance, that TrainSync might seem light in the features department.  It really focuses on just making programs for clients, but, as Paul explains, this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

"We are starting with program creation, but have plans that would have us encompass more of the business aspects of the industry down the road," says Paul. "We are looking at schedules, gym management, and even billing - but our clients are calling the shots, and we’re listening to them to find out what they want next."

Even with that modest approach, when you peel back the layers of the current offering there is a lot to like even early on.  What’s most intriguing about TrainSync right now is the interaction available between trainers and clients.  Programs are delivered to your clients email, and is compatible with all mobile devices (and good old fashioned desktops).  Both trainers and clients can make notes on any session, and clients can check of exercises as they are completed (Physiotherapists take note!)  This kind of interaction goes a long way to letting your client know that you’re watching their progress, and can’t be found in any other application like this.  Clients are saying that the simple fact that the routines are presented as a tasklist makes them want to check off the exercises and really goes a long way in giving them a sense of accomplishment when all the little boxes are checked off.

It’s only the beginning too. The guys tasked with creating the piece of software have been paying very close attention to their beta testers and giving them what they want. They are also of the mind that the trainers who use the software should be the voices that guide development.

Currently, because the application is still in beta testing, you can sign up for a completely free account that gives you unlimited clients during the beta.  After the beta, the free account will limit you to 3 clients.  Still - what a fantastic way to show you what the software is capable of and might even give you some ideas of what you need in the future.  And finally - the 3-client version will always be free, making TrainSync a huge resource for those of us either starting out in personal training, or constantly building food and workout routines for ourselves and a couple friends; one that requires no investment whatsoever.


Workout on the screen

The paper chain counting down to summer is growing smaller. (Come on, surely I'm not the only adult who still uses paper chains). V-Day (Vacation Day) is just over the next wave crest. And, since we are going on vacation with my little brother and sister-in-law, of course my husband is threatening them with plans to surf naked.

In preparation for this and any other beach shenanigans that may come our way, we have both downloaded food journal apps that we never fill out, and we have stocked our shelves with lots of fruit to forget about until it grows fur.

Like so many other people this time of year, we're trying to exercise more, too. But sometimes life, work, our toddler or happy hour gets in the way, and suddenly it's 8:30 p.m. and we realize we have not done anything to contribute toward our ability to surf naked and not end up on Collegehumor.com under the tag "Gross old people surfing, lolz."

Sometimes even the best (or worst, if you are my poor brother) intentions are thwarted, and you miss that exercise class, or a meeting eats up your running time, or you simply can't get the motivation to sweat until the day is nearly done.

In those cases, it's helpful to have a back-up plan: a stock of fitness DVDs, exercise apps or streaming websites to motivate you.

Here are some at-home exercise video options with Boulder County ties.

Kathryn Budig's Aim True Yoga on Gaiam TV

Zumba Exhilarate Body Shaping System

Balletone: Sole Synthesis Take 2

Kendra Howard's Planet Motion World Dance Fitness

The Bar Method Super Sculpting Workout


Cycling Training - Improve Your Health And Overall Fitness

There is this growing awareness about health and fitness, you watch it on television, you see advertisements over the internet, or your friend suddenly becomes a fitness junkie. The thing here is, it's one thing to say you're going to start exercising and eat healthy but it's a whole new different thing to actually do it. You've probably experienced it one way or another, you start out bursting with enthusiasm with your new workout regimen and your new diet. You start out strong but finish weak. You've tried it all from diet supplements, protein shakes, diet fads and exercise fads that celebrities are endorsing, but still nothing works for you. Why not try a different approach? What about an exercise routine that's effective in both losing weight and improving your overall health and sometimes even relaxing?

 Cycling is probably the best choice if you want to start a good aerobic conditioning program. This form of exercise is relatively easy to do, it's also well-suited for beginners, you just get on your bicycle and pedal. It's very relaxing to be able to enjoy the breeze outdoors, to feel the warm sun touching your skin, or to just enjoy the view. You don't need to go to a gym or go on a treadmill to get your daily exercise. Cycling programs can improve your aerobic capacity by increasing your strength and endurance. This type of exercise is a low impact activity which means it takes off the stress off your joints in your lower body when you exercise. This is a good thing if you have knee or hip problems. Always consult with your doctor whenever you start a new exercise program to check your overall health status and also check your balance and vision to ensure your safety.

 Before starting your cycling workout, make sure you gear up and check your bike. Reflectors, helmets, and other protective gears should always be used to prevent injuries and ensure safety. The bike seat should be adjusted in such a way that your knees and hips form a right angle to each other. Adjusting the seat height will make your pedaling easier and more comfortable. Make sure that your tires are always well-inflated so you will have a smooth ride. Always bring your mobile phone, enough water, first aid kit, and provisions in case of emergencies.

 A good cycling training program is essential to those who really want to get the most out of their exercise. Without a good program to follow, beginners usually do either too little or too much exercise without really knowing where and how to go about next in their training. With a good cycling program you can be consistent with your workouts, see your progress each week, and at the same time prevent unnecessary injuries that comes with over training.